The Regions No. 1 Solar Energy Company

Our Solar Panels Of Choice

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The Regions No. 1 Solar Energy Company

Our Solar Panels Of Choice

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We Strive To Make Switching To Solar Energy As Easy As Possible

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With fuel bills on the rise, Three Counties Energy Solutions can provide you with a FREE no-obligation quote.

How Do Solar Panels Work?

Solar panels work by converting light into electricity. Many people think that solar panels need sunlight to generate electricity, this is not the case. The correct name for solar panels is photovoltaic panels. They generate electricity from the light hitting the panels which is then converted into DC electricity.

Performance Demonstration

N-type modules averagely generate 3.9% more electricity than P-type modules.

Electricity Generation Comparison

Benefits Of Installing Solar Panels

Off-Grid Independence

When you have a Battery, your energy is yours. Your home becomes greener by using your own renewable energy. In some circumstances, when power is in higher demand, you can even sell it back to the grid.

Lower Utility Bills

Pairing your Solar Panels with Battery Storage can save you 70% (on average) on your energy bills. If you ever need extra power, your Battery can store energy from the grid during cheaper and greener off-peak times thanks to smart scheduling.

Never Lose Your Solar Energy

Summer weather is ideal for solar panels, but you want to be out enjoying the sun too. With a Battery, your solar power is never wasted. It is stored whether you’re in or not, meaning you can be out enjoying the sun - just like your solar panels.

Energy Day And Night

Storing your solar power means you never need to rely on whether the sun is up to utilise it. Day or night, a Battery gives you energy whenever you need it.

Set It And Forget It

Solar Panels and home Batteries need little to no interaction or maintenance, meaning once they have been installed, the only thing you need to do is reap the benefits.

Everyone (And Everything) Benefits

From saving energy and money to decreasing your carbon footprint – you, your home, and the environment all benefit from renewable energy sources such as solar energy. It’s a win-win for all!

Factors Affecting the Cost of Solar Panels in the UK

Solar Panel Type and Size

The selection of solar panel type and size directly impacts various aspects including efficiency, longevity, and aesthetics. Monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film panels differ in performance. While monocrystalline panels are more efficient, they come at a higher cost compared to other options. The size of the system also influences the total cost, with larger systems naturally incurring higher expenses.

Quality and Brand

The reputation and quality of solar panel brands influence their pricing. Established and reputable brands often offer panels with superior warranties and overall performance, albeit at a premium. Opting for reliable brands assures the durability and lasting performance of your solar panel setup.

Installation Complexity

The intricacy of the installation process directly affects the total cost. Factors like roof type (flat or pitched), accessibility, and necessary electrical work contribute to installation expenses. This underscores the importance of determining if your roof is suitable for solar panel installation.

Mounting Systems and Additional Equipment

Mounting systems such as roof racks or ground mounts are essential for securely installing solar panels. The quality and type of these mounting systems can impact costs. Inverters, which convert solar energy into usable electricity, as well as supplementary components like wiring, circuit breakers, and energy storage systems (if desired), add to the overall investment.

Energy Needs and Consumption

The amount of energy required and consumed significantly shapes the system’s size and associated costs. Through a thorough assessment of your energy usage, professional installers can recommend the ideal system size to match your needs, ensuring you avoid overspending or underestimating your solar panel investment.

Regional Factors and Incentives

Costs can vary based on regional disparities in labour rates and market competition. Additionally, diverse incentives and programs, such as feed-in tariffs or government grants, exert influence. These incentives aim to encourage renewable energy adoption and can alleviate a portion of the installation expenses.

Check out our Solar PV FAQ’s

An area to install the panels that is free from shading or obstacles that can block out the sun. It needs to be around 20m² for a 4KW system.

A solar panel is between 1.7m² & 2.1m². The smaller panel usually is less in watts and therefore you need more of them to get to the same size output of a larger panel. A standard 4kW system would take up around 20m². With all solar panel installations we need to leave a border or gap from the sides of the roof. This is worked out by our surveyors when they attend your location.

There are few ways to overcome some of the problems installers face when working with multiple panels. One is to use a string inverter with multiple inputs each with MPPT capability. This allows for different strings, not modules to have different orientation, tilts and module types without having one string hinder the performance of the other. The second option is to add DC optimisers to the string inverter system; these are like the micro-inverters. DC optimizers are installed at each module and make adjustments to the output on an individual basis.

There are strict laws and compliance in place to protect consumers, installers and contractors in solar PV. This is not something you can try at home. There is a serious risk of death and systems are designed to protect you at all times, but this is live electricity and just like educating a child not to put fingers in sockets, the same rules apply. Don’t touch things that could cause harm. Call the experts or professionals.

The main difference between the two technologies is in the crystal purity of the panel cells. Monocrystalline solar panels have solar cells made from a single crystal of silicon while polycrystalline solar panels have solar cells made from several fragments of silicon melted together. The crystalline purity of the cells of monocrystalline solar panels is therefore much higher than that of polycrystalline solar panels.

Tier one panels are classified based on the volume of large scale projects using them within a specific time frame and carry Tier 1 status as they are a preferred product. Our current Q-Cells or JA solar panels are both Tier 1 approved.

The Feed in Tariff or FIT is a financial incentive backed by the government and is paid from your electricity supplier. This is to encourage you to create your own clean electricity. Every KWH of energy that your system produces generates a fixed income regardless of whether you use it or not and any electricity not consumed can be sold back to the grid.

No solar panels require daylight to work so even when the sun isn’t shining your still generating.

They have a life expectancy of over 20 years, the manufacturer warranties start at 5 years with some going up to 20 years.

Yes as they will be providing the FIT payments.

Not usually but if you live in an area of conservation or your property it’s always worth checking.

An EPC is an Energy Performance Certificate this shows how energy efficient your property is. To achieve the maximum FIT payment the property must be a band D or above.


Get your estimate by clicking the button below. If you have any questions, call us on 0800 246 5643 – our phone lines are open Mon-Fri 8am to 5pm.